replace_tags(array( "TITLE" => "$title", "PAGETITLE" => "$index[title]", "BGCOLOR" => "$bg_color", "TEXTCOLOR" => "$text_color", "LINKCOLOR" => "$link", "VLINKCOLOR" => "$vlink", "FONTFACE" => "$font")); $page->output(); //check to see if the install file is stil on the user's server. if (file_exists("install.php")){ if ($stat == "Admin"){ $error = $txt['installadmin']; echo error($error, "error"); } else{ $error = $txt['install']; echo error($error, "general"); } } //check to see if this user is able to access this board. echo check_ban(); //check to see if the board is on or off. if ($board_status == "Off"){ $error = $off_msg; echo error($error, "general"); if ($stat == "Admin"){ echo "

$menu[cp]"; } } //output top if ($stat == "Admin"){ $page = new template($template_path ."/top-admin.htm"); $page->replace_tags(array( "TITLE" => "$title", "LANG-WELCOME" => "$txt[welcome]", "LOGGEDUSER" => "$logged_user", "LANG-LOGOUT" => "$txt[logout]", "LANG-IM" => "$menu[launchim]", "LANG-CP" => "$menu[cp]", "TABLE1" => "$table1", "ADDRESS" => "$address", "LANG-HOME" => "$menu[home]", "LANG-SEARCH" => "$menu[search]", "LANG-FAQ" => "$menu[faq]", "LANG-MEMBERLIST" => "$menu[members]", "LANG-PROFILE" => "$menu[profile]")); $page->output(); //check to see if user is marked as online, if not mark them as online. $time = time(); $db->run = "select * from ebb_online where Username='$logged_user'"; $count_member = $db->num_results(); $db->close(); if ($count_member == 0){ //user seems to be just getting on. $db->run = "insert into ebb_online (Username, time, location) values('$logged_user', '$time', '$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]')"; $db->query(); $db->close(); } else{ //user is still here so lets up their time to let the script know the user is still around. $db->run = "update ebb_online Set time='$time', location='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]' where Username='$logged_user'"; $db->query(); $db->close(); } } if (($stat == "Member") OR ($stat == "Moderator")){ $page = new template($template_path ."/top-logged.htm"); $page->replace_tags(array( "TITLE" => "$title", "LANG-WELCOME" => "$txt[welcome]", "LOGGEDUSER" => "$logged_user", "LANG-LOGOUT" => "$txt[logout]", "LANG-IM" => "$menu[launchim]", "TABLE1" => "$table1", "ADDRESS" => "$address", "LANG-HOME" => "$menu[home]", "LANG-SEARCH" => "$menu[search]", "LANG-FAQ" => "$menu[faq]", "LANG-MEMBERLIST" => "$menu[members]", "LANG-PROFILE" => "$menu[profile]")); $page->output(); //check to see if user is marked as online, if not mark them as online. $time = time(); $db->run = "select * from ebb_online where Username='$logged_user'"; $count_member = $db->num_results(); $db->close(); if ($count_member == 0){ //user seems to be just getting on. $db->run = "insert into ebb_online (Username, time, location) values('$logged_user', '$time', '$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]')"; $db->query(); $db->close(); } else{ //user is still here so lets up their time to let the script know the user is still around. $db->run = "update ebb_online Set time='$time', location='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]' where Username='$logged_user'"; $db->query(); $db->close(); } } if ($stat == "guest"){ $page = new template($template_path ."/top-guest.htm"); $page->replace_tags(array( "TITLE" => "$title", "LANG-WELCOME" => "$txt[welcomeguest]", "LANG-LOGIN" => "$txt[login]", "LANG-REGISTER" => "$txt[register]", "TABLE1" => "$table1", "ADDRESS" => "$address", "LANG-HOME" => "$menu[home]", "LANG-SEARCH" => "$menu[search]", "LANG-FAQ" => "$menu[faq]", "LANG-MEMBERLIST" => "$menu[members]")); $page->output(); //check to see if guest is marked as online, if not mark them as online. $time = time(); $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $db->run = "select * from ebb_online where ip='$ip'"; $count_guest = $db->num_results(); $db->close(); if ($count_guest == 0){ $db->run = "insert into ebb_online (ip, time, location) values('$ip', '$time', '$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]')"; $db->query(); $db->close(); } else{ //user is still here so lets up their time to let the script know the user is still around. $db->run = "update ebb_online Set time='$time', location='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]' where ip='$ip'"; $db->query(); $db->close(); } } //show announcement, if admins wants them on. if ($announcements_stat == "On"){ $string = $announcements; $string = BBCode($string); $string = smiles($string); $string = nl2br($string); //load template $page = new template($template_path ."/announcement.htm"); $page->replace_tags(array( "LANG-ANNOUNCEMENT" => "$index[announcements]", "BORDER" => "$border", "TABLE1" => "$table1", "TABLE2" => "$table2", "ANNOUNCEMENT" => "$string")); $page->output(); } //display board. $sql = "select * from ebb_category ORDER BY C_Order"; $errorq = $sql; $category_query = mysql_query ($sql) or die(error($error, "mysql", $errorq)); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($category_query)) { $page = new template($template_path ."/board-top.htm"); $page->replace_tags(array( "BORDER" => "$border", "TABLE1" => "$table1", "TABLE2" => "$table2", "CAT-NAME" => "$row[Name]", "LANG-BOARD" => "$index[boards]", "LANG-TOPIC" => "$index[topics]", "LANG-POST" => "$index[posts]", "LANG-MODERATOR" => "$index[moderators]", "LANG-LASTPOSTDATE" => "$index[lastposteddate]")); $page->output(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ebb_boards WHERE Category = '$row[Name]' ORDER BY B_Order"; $errorq = $sql; $board_query = mysql_query ($sql) or die(error($error, "mysql", $errorq)); while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc ($board_query)) { $id = $row2['id']; $board = $row2['Board']; $description = $row2['Description']; $moderator = $row2['Moderator']; $last_post = $row2['last_update']; if ($last_post == ""){ $board_date = $index['noposts']; $last_post_link = ""; }else{ $gmttime = gmdate ($time_format, $last_post); $board_date = date($time_format,strtotime("$gmt hours",strtotime($gmttime))); $posted_by = $row2['Posted_User']; $post_link = $row2['Post_Link']; $last_post_link = "$index[Postedby]: $posted_by"; } $db->run = "select * from ebb_topics WHERE bid='$id'"; $topic_num = $db->num_results(); $db->close(); $db->run = "select * from ebb_posts WHERE bid='$id'"; $post_num = $db->num_results(); $db->close(); //check for topic stat. $db->run = "select * from ebb_read WHERE Board='$id' and user='$logged_user'"; $read_ct = $db->num_results(); $db->close(); if (($read_ct == 1) OR ($last_post == "") OR ($stat == "guest")){ $icon = "\"$index[newpost]\""; }else{ $icon = "\"$index[oldpost]\""; } $page = new template($template_path ."/board-middle.htm"); $page->replace_tags(array( "BORDER" => "$border", "TABLE1" => "$table1", "TABLE2" => "$table2", "POST-ICON" => "$icon", "ID" => "$id", "BOARD" => "$board", "DESCRIPTION" => "$description", "TOPIC-COUNT" => "$topic_num", "POST-COUNT" => "$post_num", "MODERATOR" => "$moderator", "DATE" => "$board_date", "LAST-POST" => "$last_post_link")); $page->output(); } echo "
"; } //get member count. $db->run = "select * from ebb_users"; $user_num = $db->num_results(); $db->close(); //get topic count. $db->run = "select * from ebb_topics"; $topic_num = $db->num_results(); $db->close(); //get post count. $db->run = "select * from ebb_posts"; $post_num = $db->num_results(); $db->close(); //get new user. $db->run = "select * from ebb_users ORDER BY Date_Joined DESC LIMIT 1"; $new_user = $db->result(); $db->close(); //call the whos online function $online = whosonline(); //load board stat-icon $page = new template($template_path ."/boardstat.htm"); $page->replace_tags(array( "BORDER" => "$border", "TABLE1" => "$table1", "TABLE2" => "$table2", "LANG-BOARDSTAT" => "$index[boardstatus]", "LANG-ICONGUIDE" => "$index[iconguide]", "LANG-NEWESTMEMBER" => "$index[newestmember]", "NEWESTMEMBER" => "$new_user[Username]", "TOTAL-TOPIC" => "$topic_num", "LANG-TOTALTOPIC" => "$index[topics]", "TOTAL-POST" => "$post_num", "LANG-TOTALPOST" => "$index[posts]", "TOTAL-USER" => "$user_num", "LANG-TOTALUSER" => "$index[membernum]", "LANG-NEWPOST" => "$index[newpost]", "LANG-OLDPOST" => "$index[oldpost]", "WHOSONLINE"=> "$online")); $page->output(); //display footer $page = new template($template_path ."/footer.htm"); $page->replace_tags(array( "LANG-POWERED" => "$index[poweredby]")); $page->output(); ob_end_flush(); ?>