Late Summer In NC, August 2006

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NC August 4
Moss Covered Graves
NC August 5
Stone Up and Close
NC August 6
Ancient Stone

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One place I found was an old graveyard. I just sort of passed it on a lonely road, and went back. I immediately got a strange feeling from it. I couldn't really understand it, though, and starting taking pictures. It was the strangest place. The graves were nearly bare from plant growth, this dry dirt only, and a dry moss; this is really uncommon for lush NC. All of the graves were really old, none planted after 1875, and most were really stones that were unmarked, just rocks, or these crosses someone had recently made. I found this strange, and was thinking what sort of cemetery would be for someone too poor to buy a gravestone. Then it kind of came to me, looking out over this field, that maybe this was a slave graveyard, with its unmarked graves. I felt a little unsettled, like something not good was there, or had happened there, and so I left.

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